Pooper Catcher 5.0 -- Tutorial
I saw your advertisement for the Poop Catcher 5.0 on Craig's List. I then went to your website and saw the description of your product and the tutorial for its use http://www.poopercatcher.com/index.cfm?id=5480&fuseaction=browse&pageid=38 . It is clear that this idea was stolen from me. All you have done is taken an idea which I already had, and added a stick to it. I have included a photo from your tutorial and also a photo from the same step in the tutorial on my website. Please cease and desist immediately so I do not need to contact my legal team.
Thank you.
I saw your advertisement for the Poop Catcher 5.0 on Craig's List. I then went to your website and saw the description of your product and the tutorial for its use http://www.poopercatcher.com/index.cfm?id=5480&fuseaction=browse&pageid=38 . It is clear that this idea was stolen from me. All you have done is taken an idea which I already had, and added a stick to it. I have included a photo from your tutorial and also a photo from the same step in the tutorial on my website. Please cease and desist immediately so I do not need to contact my legal team.
Thank you.
5.0? This is seriously the fifth revision of the technology!?