Hi There,
I saw your ad on Craig's List for the Beautiful golden Angels Clock http://toronto.en.craigslist.ca/bra/hsh/1504272578.html . I just thought you should know that you are using the world "beautiful" incorrectly.
Funny emails to people selling ridiculous things on Craigslist.
I saw your ad on Craig's List for the BAR and EAT serving dishes BNIB http://toronto.en.craigslist.ca/tor/hsh/1450460881.html . I was wondering if you had any other words available. You see I am an elementary school teacher and just started a unit on bats. I was hoping that I could serve my class some snacks in bowls that say "BAT ERA". Let me know if you know where I can get such items.
Sorry, only have BAR and EAT - I have many, so you could spell longer words if you wanted (consisting of A, B, E, R, and T, of course).
I'm available anytime tomorrow and Friday, limited on the weekend.
Let me know,
OK too bad I would have liked to do business with you.